“ The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.” ~ Carl Jung As our daughter turned 16, I invited my husband to to pen his thoughts and wishes for our daughter. He struggled a little before coming up with this piece. The Emperor Years ago, my daughter's piano teacher posed a simple question: "What is your favorite piano piece?" Without hesitation, I mentioned Beethoven's 'Emperor,' performed by Dana, referring to the renowned composer's … [Read more...]
2022 In Review – How life has changed. Or has it?
Every year end, I would invite the Hubs to pen his thoughts on the year that has passed. Here’s his review on 2022. Photo: Cozying up at Queenstown New Zealand. June 2022 We all lamented the opportunities lost when the world came to a Covid stand-still in early 2020. But what were the first few things you did when Singapore and the world started reopening? Since the passing-away of my late father 38 years ago while I was still 13, I have always lived with the … [Read more...]
Teen, Transitions and Travel – Reflection on 2021 and ‘Pandemic Parenting’
2021. A year wrought with sweat, tears and prayers to make family life work. Before it ended, the Husb shared with me his reflections for the year. I asked for him to pen it down and here it is: The ‘Multi-Tasking Working Parents Task Force’ At this point of writing, I’m not too sure if ‘Happy New Year’ is a phrase I’d like to wish others especially since we will enter the 3rd year of this long drawn global pandemic. Truth be told, there were other major ‘shifts’ on the home … [Read more...]
NDP 2021 – Unique Ways to Celebrate from Home
Celebrating the Singapore Spirit, from home. This year’s NDP will be special in many ways. For one, since the nation and the world is still battling the pandemic, it will be one where the celebration is planned specifically for all to celebrate from the safety of our own home with our family and friends. So while the commemoration, in its pomp and pageantry will go on on the Float at Marina Bay, the celebration is encouraged to be done from the safety of our homes. Here are some … [Read more...]
COVID-19 Vaccination Tips
“It is as if I’ve been hit by a train…” remarked the Hubby. The Hubby took his 2nd dose of the Pfizer-Biontec COVID-19 vaccine and less than 24 hours later, he suddenly developed chills, fever, lethargy during the evening and had to return to see a GP for some flu and fever medication to rest. He felt generally fine after his first dose and was still largely out and about on the 2nd day after his 2nd dose. From his experience he has these tips to share: (Note: Points below are … [Read more...]
A Letter to our Children, on our 20th Wedding Anniversary
Dedicated to our children, Dana and Alexander Dear children, While we pray that God will grant us the blessing of long life to be around when YOU celebrate your own wedding anniversaries, this post is just in case we can’t be there. We live in a world of constant changes. I can only imagine that when you two are adults, your world would be changing so much faster than ours. While some change is good, there are aspects of life that require a lot of work NOT to change. These … [Read more...]
Buddy Turns 3: The School Celebration
Buddy turned 3 last Friday on 23 June 2017. Due to our Iceland trip, I did not have time to plan for his actual day celebration. By coincidence, Mommy Kai Lee, a Mom of 2 who bakes at CATivatingcakeandcupcake got in touch with us through our blog's FB page. Since she comes highly recommended by our friend May (of A Million Little Echoes), I got acquainted with Kai Lee through whatsapp. Soon, I was won over by her enthusiasm and decided to outsource Buddy's school … [Read more...]
The Fullerton Bay Hotel – Extraordinary Connections in an Extraordinary Place
As busy parents to 2 young kids, juggling work commitments and family demands give us very little (sometimes zero) time to ourselves. We are not complaining but when we do have special occasions to commemorate, we want to ensure that with whatever little time we have, we get the most memorable experience as a family. Last month, for Angie’s birthday which falls on Mothers' Day, I was exactly looking for that – to pamper my wife who often holds the fort at home, with a luxurious hotel … [Read more...]
What Christmas means to me…
What does Christmas mean to me? Actually the short answer to that is "Nothing”. Really. Nothing. The hyped-up commercialization of Christmas where everyone, from family members to colleagues, Christians or otherwise, exchange gifts while uttering ‘Merry Christmas’ has made this day where we commemorate the birth of Christ, into a feel-good merry-making event that has missed the mark by a far stretch. A quick visit to the Daiso store yesterday for some stationery, seeing the snaking queue … [Read more...]
National Day Parade (NDP) 2015 – Soaking in the Action at the Fringe
Here it is, finally! The event the whole country has been waiting for: The 2015 National Day Parade to commemorate Singapore’s SG50 Jubilee year. For us, we are continuing our family’s little ‘tradition’ to chase, or to catch the fireworks and the aerial displays. We were thrilled to know that although the celebration proceedings has moved to the Padang – site of the first National Day Parade, the fireworks and the position of the general aerial displays have not changed much. In fact, there … [Read more...]
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