Even though the party was long over (last year), I still owe it to myself and the birthday boy to document it on the blog. Buddy turned 2 on 23 June 2016. We had just returned from our Scandinavia Summer holiday then. With barely 1 week to go, we put together a small celebration involving our extended family members and a childhood friend in our estate’s function room. We chose an Elmo-themed party as Buddy loves to read Elmo books.
Those who know me know that I am good at outsourcing my parties to very capable vendors. As a fan of Sarah’s Loft‘s creations, I engaged her to do up an Elmo-themed dessert table. I was over the moon when she replied that she was available and willing to take up this assignment! For catering, I hired a prata man from Casuarina Curry to serve cook-on-the-spot free flow prata accompanied by a mini Indian buffet (for a change!). For decorations, I turned to my trusted balloon supplier, Balloon Blasters. With that, we pulled off a relatively stress-free afternoon celebrating Buddy turning 2 in the company of good food and great company. I guess it helps to keep the party size cosy and intimate.
Here’s what was served on the dessert table:
2-Tiered Victoria Sponge Centerpeice Cake
24 x Regular Cupcakes (2 Flavours: Coconut, White Chocolate and Passionfruit Cupcakes + Gula Melaka with Kaya Cream Cheese Frosting & Caramelised Almonds)
40 x Mini Quiche (2 Flavours: Spinach Mushroom Truffle and Bacon + Cheese)
40 x Mini Tartlets (2 Flavours: Lemon Meringue and Rum Mont Blanc)
40 x Macarons (2 Flavours: Pistachio and Raspberry)
It was a novelty to see the prata man in action at a home party. The guests feasted on: Assorted Pratas, Briyani Rice , Chicken Masala, Yoghurt Fish, Potato Masala, Dal Sambar (Veg), Spring Roll, Papadam Cocktail Jelly, washed down with Teh Tarik and Lime Juice. Rather unconventional but a welcomed departure from the usual party catering menu. For kids who can’t take spicy fare, they were served banana prata drizzled with chocolate sauce, much to their delight! We didn’t plan any entertainment for the kids but they were content just playing catch and other impromptu childhood games in the court yard.
We sang Buddy a birthday song and took some photos at the garden before concluding the party. Our little guests each went home with a special Elmo-balloon sculpture (sculpted by the talented Balloon Blasters) and a Sesame Street: Elmo at the Zoo Board Book (which I sourced from Amazon).
Each year as we celebrate Buddy’s birthday, we are reminded of the day we received him into our family. What an immense privilege to be given this sacred responsibility to parent him as his forever parents. We were sometimes asked if we did, at any point struggle to accept or love Buddy as our own or if we love him versus his elder sister differently. The answer? Nope, not once. God has destined him to be our son and so by his amazing love and abundant grace, we love him with every ounce of our breath and with every beat of our heart. Adoption is one of THE best thing that God has willed for our family. May we be found faithful in raising Buddy to be a godly, kind young man after God’s heart.
can you share your prata man contacts pls?
Hi Li Mei, thanks for dropping by our blog. We catered from Casuarina Curry. Here’s their website: http://www.casuarinacatering.com/ All the best for your party!