When the haze shrouded Singapore in thick smog in June this year with the Prime Minister forewarning that it might persist for months, I was seized by a sense of panic and helplessness. Air purifiers and N95 masks were flying off the shelves and I started looking for solutions to alleviate the suffocated feelings from keeping the windows shut in our feeble attempts to keep the haze out.
It was then I remembered an essential oils sharing session hosted by a fellow Mommy that I decided to give Young Living Essential Oils a try. I know these oils are getting quite a bit of attention these days and too much information can sometimes be overwhelmingly confusing. What I can say is that I found something that worked for my family which has been been nothing short of amazing. I now turn to these therapeutic grade essential oils as our first line of defence against common ailments and to improve our well-being.
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Using a cold-air diffuser ensures the therapeutic qualities of the Essential Oils are not altered |
Like many children her age, Dana’s prone to the common cough and cold. Instead of loading her body with synthetic medicine and antibiotics, I wanted to strengthen her immunity so she can be more resistant to these bugs and viruses. Within the first three months of using Young Living essential oils, I was surprised we need not have to visit the doctors at all! Even during those occasions where she did fall ill, she recovered in a much shorter span of time. Last month, my husband Dave came down with the nasty HFMD virus (the only one in our family to catch it!). No amount of painkillers could make him feel better as the burning sensations from the blisters on his soles and inside the throat were so excruciating. Out of desperation, he took a leap of faith and gave the Young Living Essential Oils a try. Amazingly, that night, he slept like a baby (his first in 3 nights of suffering!). These two testimonies (amongst other amazing things) are the reasons I’m so passionate about sharing essential oils with others.
There are a few different ways that you can use essential oils.
• Aromatic / Inhalation – Most people are familiar with aromatherapy and the benefits it can offer to help manage mood. In addition to that, using essential oils can also help kill germs and airborne pathogens as well as open up airways. We use cold air diffusers (bought from Young Living Singapore and Muji stores) to diffuse the Essential Oils in the living room and bedrooms.
• Topical Application – Another great way to use the oils is to manage muscle and joint pain as well as to help boost the immune system. You can apply them topically on location where there is pain (head, stomach, joints, muscles, etc.) or you can also apply them on the bottom of the feet. Our feet have very large pores which make it a great place for oils to be absorbed. We also have reflex points on the bottom of our feet which provide added benefits when massaging oils onto the soles.
• Internal Ingestion – There is a large debate as to whether or not essential oils are safe to take internally. This is where you should exercise your own judgment. Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade (i.e. safe to use internally when needed). Using oils internally can help flush toxins, helps your body fight illness, and may help with issues in the mouth, throat, and stomach. I do ingest the oils occasionally (Esp. at the onset of a sore throat) and Dave has consumed ‘morphine bombs’ (a natural pain relief, made using 3 different Young Living Essential Oils) to curb the discomfort arising from his HFMD (thereby dispelling all his initial skepticism)! Inexpensive oils are often times of low quality and are not safe to take internally so it’s best to buy oils where you are assured of its origins.
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The Ultimate Pain Relief from Nature |
8 Starter Essential Oils for Every Home and How to Use Them
1. Thieves
Despite its less-than-desirable name, Thieves is our family’s FAVOURITE essential oil and we use it daily to strengthen Dana’s immune system. Thieves is an amazing blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious essential oils. The oils that make up Thieves are clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, and rosemary. It was created based on research about four thieves in France who protected themselves with these aromatic oils while robbing plague victims in the 15th Century. It’s perfect for keeping your family healthy and strong and it makes your house smell good too. We apply it on Dana’s feet every single night before bed. Research has also proven that Thieves is effective protection against the hospital super bug, MRSA.
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Thieves:
• Diffuse Thieves essential oil blend for 15–30 minutes in your home or office to help eliminate airborne bacteria {I diffuse it almost every night in Dana’s bedroom. And if anyone in the home is sick, I diffuse during the day too.}.
• Rub on soles of feet to protect from colds and flu. More often if feeling sick.
• Place a drop on thumb and apply to the roof of mouth for a headache. {This is spicy, but it truly works!}.
• Put a few drops of Thieves essential oil blend in a capsule and swallow with water to support your immune system.
• Put in a few drops of Thieves essential oil blend in your dishwater or dishwasher to thoroughly clean dishes and eliminate odour.
• Apply to gums and teeth for pain relief from toothaches.
• Breathe in diffused vapor when you have chest congestion.
• Apply one drop to toothbrushes to sanitize.
• Diffuse to resolve mould problems.
• Put a drop in hot tea, coffee or water for delicious flavor and to stay healthy (it’s spicy though so may take some getting used to).
2. Purification
Purification can be used directly on the skin to cleanse and soothe insect bites, cuts, and scrapes. When diffused, it helps to purify and cleanse the air from environmental impurities including cigarette smoke and other disagreeable odors. If you do not have a diffuser, put on cotton balls to place in air vents of home, car, hotel room and office.
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Purification:
• Dilute several drops of Purification essential oil blend in a spray bottle and spray to repel insects.
• Apply one drop of Purification essential oil blend topically to soothe existing bug bites or scratches.
• Add Purification essential oil blend to your washing machine to freshen laundry.
• Add a couple drops of Purification essential oil blend to shoes to help neutralize odours.
• Add a few drops of Purification essential oil blend to a cotton ball to help eliminate stale air in the office or your child’s room.
• Diffuse Purification essential oil blend to dispel unpleasant odors and clear the air of impurities.
• Diffuse Purification essential oil blend to eliminate odours after the dog returns from playing outdoors in the rain.
3. R.C.
RC stands for ‘Respiratory Congestion’ and is my oil of choice for combating respiratory illnesses, coughs, stuffy noses, and colds. Consisting of 11 different single oils blended together (including four types of Eucalyptus plus Myrtle, Pine, Spruce, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress and Peppermint), RC is an invigorating blend that gives relief from colds, congestion, coughs and respiratory ailments, especially when applied to the chest and throat area. We apply directly on Dana’s chest daily after her bath. We also diffuse it whenever there is someone down with respiratory illnesses or congestion in our home. Not only does it cool, soothe, and open the airways, it also helps fight infections. This blend is also commonly used for asthma, to reduce snoring, calm nerves, bronchitis, mono, sinusitis, and pneumonia. R.C. is a wonderful blend to diffuse during winter or colder, rainy months that we are currently experiencing.
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Source: AmyLovesIt |
How to use R.C:
• Diffuse it with a cold air diffuser.
• Rub a couple drops in your hands then cup hands over nose and deeply inhale.
• Put a drop on R.C. on your finger, then rub it on the sides of your nose or apply over sinus areas.
• Apply several drops to the bottom of your feet, particularly on the lung points.
• Add 3 or 4 drops of R.C. to a bowl of hot water. Then cover your head with a towel and inhale the oil infused steam. This may help relieve breathing difficulties related to flu, colds, and pneumonia.
• Inhale deeply to help with headache.
• Rub a couple drops of R.C. on the chest.
• Make a hot compress. Fill a bowl with very hot water. Add 4 to 5 drops of R.C. Dip a folded piece of sterile cotton cloth into the prepared water. Squeeze out excess water. Place the moistened cloth onto the chest area until it reaches body temperature.
4. Lavender
Lavender is considered to be most versatile and useful oil to have around and no home should be without it! It has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. We use it for in our home for cuts, scrapes, bruising, itching, calming and relaxation. It is also great for allergies, inflammation, mood swings, rashes, stress, and teething pain.
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Lavender:
• Soothe minor burns by applying 2–3 drops of lavender essential oil to the affected area.
• Rub lavender essential oil on dry or chapped skin to moisturize the affected area.
• Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to a cotton ball and place it in closets and drawers to scent linens and repel moths and insects.
• You may be able to minimize the appearance of scar tissue by massaging lavender essential oil on or around affected areas.
• Place a few drops of lavender essential oil on a wet cloth or dryer sheet to deodorize and freshen your laundry.
• Rub a few drops of lavender essential oil onto your hand and spread over your child’s pillow to help him/her sleep.
• Diffuse lavender essential oil to set the mood for a baby shower or social gathering.
• Diffuse or inhale lavender essential oil to calm your mind, body, and spirit after a hard day’s work.
5. Lemon
Aside from the fact that it smells so refreshing, Lemon is fabulous for so many things. Dana loves the lemony smell so we diffuse it often to uplift the mood, use it in the washer to make the clothes smell fresh and in our water to flush toxins out of the body. Lemon has antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties that help to disinfect surfaces and the air.
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Lemon:
• Use as substitute for lemon juice in cooking (very nifty!).
• Combine 2–3 drops with water in a spray bottle to help cleanse and sanitize surfaces.
• Place a drop on oily skin or blemishes to help balance oil glands and minimize oil production.
• Add to water or a smoothie for a refreshing pick-me-up.
• Diffuse to help replenish your mind, body, and spirit.
• Place a few drops on a cotton ball and put in the refrigerator or trash can to help eliminate odours.
• Help detoxify the body when added to drinking water.
• Freshen the air while vacuuming by adding a cotton ball with lemon on it to your vacuum bag.
6. Peppermint
Peppermint has a very pure minty smell and is proven to be effective in treating headaches and fevers. We also use it in our home to help clear nasal passages, reduce fevers (love it for this!) and diffuse for mood enhancement. Peppermint is also commonly used for asthma, cramps, diarrhea, heartburn, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), indigestion, muscle aches, and so much more!
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Peppermint:
• Relieves motion sickness and tummy aches fast!
• Massage several drops of peppermint essential oil on the abdomen, place a drop on wrists, or inhale to soothe the minor stomach discomfort associated with travel.
• Reduces fevers naturally when massaged into feet or used for sponging.
Rub one drop of peppermint essential oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (careful to avoid contact with your eyes), and on the back of the neck to relieve head pressure.
• Place 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on the tongue and rub another drop of oil under the nose to help improve concentration and alertness.
• Apply peppermint essential oil to the back of the neck and shoulders throughout the day to keep energy up.
• Inhale peppermint essential oil, apply topically to your temples or neck, or put a drop on your tongue or in water to jump-start your morning routine.
• Curb appetite with a drop of peppermint in a glass of water.
• Deters insects and spiders too. Spray or drop oil on door steps or around where pests are coming inside
7. PanAway
PanAway is a very powerful blend that may help in reducing inflammation and soothing sore muscles. It works like the ‘Bengay’ equivalent Essential Oil. Friends have used this blend for growing pains, joint pain, and said they worked like magic. PanAway can also be used for carpal tunnel syndrome, and arthritis. Apply to the bottoms of feet and follow with topical application on location. Rub on temples, back of neck, or forehead, or inhale for a soothing effect. Use with a warm compress along the spine. If you often experience pain, cramps or aches, this is a great oil to turn to.
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use PanAway:
• Rub PanAway essential oil blend across your lower back if you feel discomfort from sitting in front of a computer.
• Rub PanAway essential oil blend on muscles to help alleviate stressed muscles or other physical discomforts.
• Rub PanAway essential oil blend on your temples to ease minor head tension.
• Apply immediately following an injury to prevent bruising.
• Massage into sore muscles after exercising.
• Apply to bumps, bruises and minor injuries to help accelerate healing.
• Rub into areas with arthritis for relief…this works for arthritic pets as well!
I have never imagined using essential oils in so many different ways other than for aromatherapy purposes. I guess I have the haze to thank for this. Young Living has changed the way we feel about and address common ailments in our home. I feel more empowered as a caregiver and it is my pleasure to share this knowledge with as many people as I can.
8. Peace & Calming
Peace & Calming is a wonderful, fragrant blend of tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange, and patchouli essential oils that is specifically formulated for children. It smells amazing!
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Source: My Blessed Life |
How to use Peace&Calming:
• Rub 1-2 drops on the bottom of the feet and on the shoulders before bedtime to get a good sleep.
• Apply to wrists and neck before a stressful meeting or event. You may get compliments on how nice you smell too.
• Diffuse to calm overactive children.
• Diffuse at night to reduce teeth grinding.
• Add Peace & Calming to coconut oil or other massage oil for incredible relaxation.
• For anxiety, place a drop on the neck at the base of the skull. Repeat as needed.
• Calm restless leg syndrome with 2-3 drops rubbed onto legs.
• Use as perfume behind ears and on wrists.
• Rub on child’s big toes at night to help calm and relax.
November Flash Giveaway!
To encourage more families to give these essential oils a try, One Drop Mums is giving away a free bottle of Thieves and one free bottle of Lemongrass Essential Oil (15ml each, total worth SGD72.00) to all readers!*.

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Thieves – the ‘must-have’ essential oil for every home! |
*To qualify for this giveaway, you must sign up as an Essential Rewards member of Young Living Singapore and purchase essential oils worth of 100 PV* from today till 30 November 2013.
You can do so in three ways:
1) Walk in at their office at 300 Beach Road #29-03A The Concourse Singapore 199555
2) Call their hotline at (65) 6391 0170
3) Sign up online (pick the option ‘Young Living Independent Distributor’)
You will be asked for the name and membership number of the person who referred you (i.e, Sponsor ID and Enroller ID). Please quote the number “1470908” to prove that you have been directed by me. Please email [email protected] after you have signed up and placed your orders to claim your free bottles of Thieves and Lemongrass Essential Oil.
As a member, you get to purchase these oils at a whooping 25% off the retail price. On top of the free gifts above, you’ll be receiving a complimentary Start Living Enrollment Kit (comprising of product literature, samples of Ningxia Red, a small bottle of Lavender and Peppermint, 5ml each, worth SGD65.00). This giveaway is open to all readers based in Singapore and ends Saturday 30 November 2013. If you’ve always wanted to improve your family’s well-being the holistic way, there’s no better time than to enroll now.
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Note: I am not being compensated for writing this post neither did I receive any oils for review. I am merely sharing my experiences as a Mom whose family has benefited from the usage of these therapeutic grade Essential Oils. If you would like to learn more about Young Living Essential Oils and the amazing benefits they offer, do leave me a comment and I’ll try my best to reply. There is this useful FAQ which I highly recommend. You may also refer to the product tips and price list published on Young Living Singapore’s Website.
To read more on how other local Moms use Young Living oils, visit:
The Gingerbread Mum – The Everyday Mum’s Guide to Essential Oils
MissusTay’s Journal – Exploring Essential Oils – One Month Update
Xavvy-licious – Embarking on Essential Oils
Quirky Affairs – My Oily Affairs
Wishing all families good health, peace, joy and abundance this festive season.

Thanks for the Tips! My kids have sensitive nose and I try to take out the soft toys already. The RC essential oil looks interesting!
Thanks for such an informative and helpful post! Hope I can catch the flash sale!
Very informative post. I recently signed up too after reading Adora’s post. I find Thieves quite smelly (haha) so I just apply on the kids but don’t diffuse it. I do love Lavender, Lemon and Purification though. Think I will get RC, Panaway and Peace and Calming after reading your review!
This is a very nice post, Angie 🙂
We like the same oils, Angie! Haha Thieves to me smells very grandmotherly! But when the kids are for it, I know it’s cos it works for them. Even the baby mimics me applying the oils on the back of her neck!
RC works very well for me: I simply inhale directly from the bottle and my stuffed nose is cleared immediately.
We also have not had any visits to the doctor for months! And have since thrown away all bottles of panadol for fevers accompanying immunization jabs 😉
Natural is the way to go!
Hi, may I check if you mix the essential oil with any veg oil like V6 before applying directly onto the kids? Thanks!
Hi ladies thanks for leaving comments. Glad so many of us found the YL EOs useful and therapeutic. I can’t live without them now.
Hello Jo, how young are your kids and where do you intend to apply the oils on them? For younger babies below 6 months, do dilute the oils with V6 (available from Young Living SG office) before you apply as some oils are a little ‘spicy’. After dilution, you can use them for baby massage too! Many of us use the oils neat (without dilution) for applying to the soles. I do that religiously for Dana 3 times a day now (before going to school, after shower and before bedtime). It has strengthened her immunity considerably. Hope you can reap the benefits soon too! Feel free to join us at the ‘One Drop’ Facebook Group where lots of Moms discuss the uses of YL EOs.
Hi Angie,
I would like to join YLEO, can I use your ID as your sponsor ID?
Thank you
May i know how to order this essential oil? What is the shipping fee for singapore?
Hi Charine
thanks for leaving a comment on our blog. I’ve emailed you 🙂
I am interested in using essential oils on my 2 kids as they have been falling quite often ever since the older one went to childcare. May I know where can I order the oils?
Hi Christine, I’ll drop you an email separately! 😀
Are those images of the YLEOs that you used? I’m new to EOs and read your comment about therapeutic-grade being safe for consumption, but saw the warnings on YL about being for external use only. Totally confused, so if you could help me out with a bit of clarification I’d be grateful! Thanks!