Over the March school break, Dana and I had an unexpected treat! We followed Daddy on his short working trip to HongKong.
HongKong, being a busy cosmopolitan, land-scarce shopping paradise, is not unlike Singapore, hence it’s not ranked as a top destination on our “Must Visit” places. However I must say this trip has given us pleasant new discoveries and insights why HK is such a popular holiday spot for many Singaporean families, especially those with kids. Firstly, the flight time of only 3 hours is a HUGE draw. Dana was kept occupied by the in-flight entertainment and she even took a short morning nap on our onward flight, rejuvenated in time when we arrive for the City Tour. Added to that is the affordable air tickets (made possible by budget airlines), delectable HK cuisine (think dimsums) and strong SGD to HKD currency conversion (for all you shopping queens!).

Day 1
Our first stop in HK brought us to the Reunification Square where we saw a huge gold-plated Golden Bauhinia sculpture, apparantly bequested to the HK people by the Chinese government on its return. The square was also the spot where ceremonies for the handover of Hong Kong and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was held in July 1997.

Day 2

Thank God for a great day out. Next up, HK Ocean Park! Stay tuned for my blog posts 🙂
It was a surreal moment for me to able to see bump into my favourite blogging family (you guys!) at the Post office today. Wanted to say hi but we were at different ends…Dana caught my eye as I recognised her the moment I saw her, and i turned around to see David and then Angie…hope next time I could pluck up my courage to wave at you…:) Merry Xmas everyone and god bless u all!