‘4 hours, 4 minutes’
What would you do with 4 hours of any day? For me, I would have packed it with parental duties, work commitments and perhaps errands!
What would you do with 4 minutes? Most of us are so busy, 4 minutes would pass by without us even noticing it.
But reality is that in the mere 4 minutes, our brain and other vital organs would begin to fail if no oxygen is supplied to it. This effect is irreversible.
The Truth
Truth is, if any one, including my loved ones, would collapse in front of me from a heart attack, I wouldn’t know how to help them apart from dialing for an ambulance. Even though our ambulance services’ response time is 8 to 10 minutes (subject to traffic conditions), precious time would have been wasted waiting for medical help to arrive.
Would we know what to do then? While it is so easy for us to cramp 4 hours of our day with all forms of legitimate activities, if we were to invest that time for a CPR and AED certification course by the Singapore Heart Foundation (SHF), it would equip us to be a life saver…when the need arises. Being helpless in this kind of emergencies can be very very crippling and frustrating. We recently heard the real-life recount of how a friend’s 5 year old was resuscitated via CPR after near drowning at a birthday pool party. He was fished out limp and lifeless but was lucky as one of the party guests was CPR-trained. After he was revived, the paramedics took over and rushed him to the hospital.
Forget about what you see on TV serials, performing proper CPR is not just putting and pumping your two palms together on someone’s chest. Wrong application of CPR not only wastes precious time, it may cause further harm to the casualty.
These days, most public buildings are equipped with an Automated External Defibrillation (AED) machines. These defibrillators deliver a high-voltage shock to a casualty’s heart during a cardiac arrest. Again, in an emergency, every second counts!
Do you know how to operate an AED? Would you know how to attach the shock pads, when and how to deliver the shock….if (touch wood) you were to use it on a loved one? In fact, improper use of an AED machine may be deadly to the casualty and even yourself.
During the course I had so many questions answered, for example:
- What is an effective surface for performing CPR?
- What is the average time for an ambulance to arrive?
- What are the dangers to look out for when using the AED machine?
- Do you perform CPR when the casualty is unconscious?
As a father, a husband and a concerned citizen, one of my resolutions this year is to learn some basic life-saving skills which include CPR and the use of the AED machine.
Which was why I decided to take a week day off work to attend the CPR + AED Course offered by the Singapore Heart Foundation. The CPR and AED certification course is conducted by trained instructors. This course is part of the professional requirement of some medical-related professions (e.g. nurses, healthcare workers) and those that require intense physical work e.g. Fitness trainers.
At the CPR + AED training course, there was a main trainer who shared with us the essential theories, distilling CPR and AED usage into easy-to-remember acronyms for us lay men. The practical hands-on sessions that followed next were not as easy as they looked. Thankfully, the trainers were friendly and patient yet strict, rightly so because this involves saving lives.
After a few rounds of hands-on practices, we had Q&A and then it was down to serious business – the practical and theory test. Each of us took turns to perform CPR and the use of AED according to strict standards. We were also given a short Multiple-Choice Question Worksheet to complete as a test.
I passed?
Yes I did. For now. Though I earned my certificate (valid for 2 years) as a CPR and AED lifesaver, I’m keenly aware that the REAL TEST is when I have to use it on a loved on or any member of the public in a medical emergency. For first time sign-up of the CPR + AED course at the Singapore Heart Foundation, you will bring home an exclusive Mini Anne CPR+AED Kit (worth SGD60, made by leading Norwegian medical company Laerdal) which has a DVD and accessories including a chest-height inflatable manikin to practice your CPR and AED usage skills as well as to educate others in your family.
Too much to ask?
4 hours, is that too much to ask of anyone when it comes to saving a life? Because if it happens, all you have is 4 minutes to save a life and every ticking second counts. So let’s be prepared, not paralysed.
Watch this short video of CPR+AED course I’ve attended at the Singapore Heart Foundation:
For more info on the course: http://www.myheart.org.sg/article/heart-safe-singapore/cpraed-certification–shf/about/183
Thanks to the Singapore Heart Foundation, we have two CPR + AED Certification Courses to be given away to two loyal readers. To qualify for the draw, simply do the following:
1. Like Singapore Heart Foundation’s Facebook Page
2. Like Life’sTinyMiracles’ Facebook Page
Complete the final steps in this Rafflecopter widget:
The giveaway ends 10 July 2016, 11.59pm and is open to readers in Singapore. The winners will be contacted using the contact particulars provided when entering this draw and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All entries will be verified before the winner is announced, incomplete and unverified entries will be disqualified. Please note that all Facebook and Instagram accounts (e.g. accounts set up purely to take part in contests with no authentic posts or very few real friends) will be disqualified. All the best!
Yes, i agree that CPR, AED and First Aid knowledge is very impt, esp for parents! My husb is equipped with these knowledge, but unfortunately I dont know them much yet. Really got to find time to go and take the course.
Thanks for visiting. Yes, do find time to pick up these essential life skills.
Yes, reminder reminder, important. CPR, AED and first aid knowledge. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. Hope you’re able to carve out time to learn some of these essential life skills.
I used to be a St John’s member but clean forgotten all the techniques. Definitely need to go back and do refresh my memory.
I took the course when I was studying childcare education in Australia. I think it’s great that they make it compulsory for every child-carer to know basic life saving skills. Having said that, I probably need to attend a refresher course soon. Thanks for the reminder.
I WAS a certified First Aider! But gosh.. totally given everything back to the teachers. Such skills need practice or refresher course. If anything, I’ll come watch this video!
Super important skill to have, and I’m fortunate that my hub undergo the training when he was with MOE. Thanks for sharing about the training, I shall mark it down so I’ll remember to check it out when I’ve the time to.
I learnt basic first aid and monitor BP etc. as HPB Ambassador last year. But CPR, AED don’t know yet. Very useful it is to know for sure.
DRSABC, mantra for Life saving skill. Upgrade to first-aider (3 days course) or download SCDF app “MyResponder”. With SGsecure (trainings in communities), I hope every home swill have a CPR.
I actually download Redcross Youtubes on CRP/Aed to refresh my CPR (1&2&3&4& 5, 1&2&3&4& 10)
cheers, Andy
Tqvm for the gentle reminder! Will sign up for the course soon 😉
I would like to attend the course with my husband. My CPR cert has expired and my hubby has always wanted to attend this course. CPR and AED is absolutely important and having the right skills is critical in the time of need.
CPF + AED are very useful if I learnt them. My dad nearly fainted at home. I hope I can pick up more knowledge on first aid.
Its always good to have such life saving knowledge cos u never know when u need it to save somebody be it closed ones or strangers. I want to attend the course cos i need a refresher on CPR and also keep myself updated on how to operate the AED.
I want to be ever ready and equipped with the correct techniques and skills of CPR and AED as we will not know who may need our help in the soonest time. This is a very useful skills and would love to attend it.
Wish I could use the skills and apply reDily on the needy person anytime anywhere! Incidents happen so saving life is important and meaningful!
My CPR certification has long lapsed and I have not been trained on AED before. These are useful life-saving skills to have, and I am certainly keen to learn them.
[email protected]
I have learnt basic first aid from reading and watching YouTube videos. But certainly nothing beats getting personal and comprehensive training from professionals in person.