“I haven’t failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that will not work.”
Thomas Edison
The quote above is famously referenced to the great inventor Thomas Edison who attributed his inventions, the most famous being the indispensable light bulb, to his failures.

Go Ahead, Make Mistakes.
When it comes to teaching our kids, many of us hope that they will get the correct answers (especially in tests and exams). Like it or not, many of us are averse to children making mistakes. Yet we know that making mistakes is an essential part of learning. Nobody gets it right the first time.
In this regard, we realised many enrichment centers train our children to ace the exams. They overlook the fact that the mistakes in our children’s daily homework do reveal to us their greatest learning needs. Here’s how Geniebook uses A.I (artificial intelligence) to target our children’s learning needs and help them excel.

The Geniebook Advantage:
Geniebook is an online learning portal that also offers online LIVE lessons. This is where its similarity to others ends. The Geniebook portal offers these 5 ADDED advantages to stimulate intrinsic learning:
- Geniebook designs online learning differently! Geniebook has 3 different products from AI-personalised worksheets (GenieSmart), to LIVE online classes (GenieClass) and real time teacher chats (GenieAsk) to help students learn smarter and do better.
- GenieSmart uses AI personalised worksheets to identify your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses. Their proprietary AI draws from a library of over 150,000 questions aligned to MOE’s syllabus and recommends specific questions to help your child improve. You will also get valuable insights of how your child is doing academically through a real time progress report.
- Geniebook highlights areas of strength as well as areas for improvement automatically for each student using the algorithm in a real-time progress reports;
- GenieClass – their LIVE and recorded Online Classes that help to reinforce key concepts taught in school.
- It provides worksheets tailed to our children’s learning abilities, and are accessible online 24/7.

Reduces Parents’ Stress:
For the topics which parents ourselves are unfamiliar with (or have returned to our own teachers), well, struggle no more. Geniebook provides step by step solutions which lead to the answers. It also answers even the toughest questions encountered by our children. With Geniebook, when a child makes mistakes, the portal will identify, track and analyze the gaps in our children’s learning then give them ample practices to achieve mastery.

Encourages Self-Directed Learning
The online worksheets and pre-recorded LIVE lessons can be accessed anytime, anywhere within a period of time for our children to revise the topics they need more help in. The user interface (instructions on screen) is professionally done up, user-centric and appealing. Our children Dana and Buddy definitely prefer their independent learning time on Geniebook compared to the traditional assessment books.

Read what our teenage daughter, Dana has to add about Geniebook:
<Dana’s Review>
When my brother and I first stared using Geniebook, we didn’t really know what to expect. With Geniebook, we found it a more convenient and less stressful way to learn. Geniebook, being an online platform, allowed us to do our work anywhere and everywhere without having to print any physical worksheets. This meant we could log in to do revisions to supplement home based learning conveniently.
My brother and I started off by completing a pre-generated diagnostic test, which gave Geniebook, ourselves and our parents a general idea of the topics we are stronger in and other areas which needed more attention. We are -generated daily worksheets based on the topics selected and once we have completed our work, we are awarded with ‘bubbles’, a points system where we can redeem prizes ranging from books to stationeries.
Geniebook provides my parents with weekly reports on my learning progress to find out if I am improving. Besides having customised worksheets, there are online LIVE lessons once a week. This allows me to clarify my doubts with the teacher face-to-face so I can understand the concept better. With Geniebook, my learning is flexible and I can select the topics of interest from the curriculum. I am able to learn and familiarize myself with the topics that are yet to be taught in school.
Although I just started using Geniebook, I have come to enjoy learning from this portal tremendously. Geniebook helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses in each subject. Every question in the worksheets comes with an explanation to help me understand the question better. I was able to refresh my memory of the past topics that were taught and revise the topics currently being taught to improve my answering techniques. My brother is also learning simultaneously on the same website. This frees up our parents’ time from having to send us to various tuition centres. I like that we can access Geniebook from the comforts of our own home.
In the beginning, I didn’t feel motivated when it came to doing revision but with Geniebook, I felt encouraged to invest more time towards my learning as I can see myself improving in the weekly progress report. For many students like me in the Secondary Schools, we are already using Ipads and laptops daily in the classrooms. Geniebook is a natural extension of the learning that can now take place outside the classroom at our own free time. I think it’s a good learning tool to have.
If you would like to discover your child’s strengths and challenges, click here to register for a FREE Strengths Analysis with Geniebook today.

Visit Geniebook Website at https://geniebook.com/
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you in collaboration with the good folks at Geniebook.
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