Being a Mom is the highest and most privileged calling, a dream come true. Some people call it a thankless task, the world’s most underpaid yet most demanding job…I don’t refute that. But as I count my blessing and look forward to the celebration of Mothers’ Day (and my Birthday), my heart is filled to the brim with gratitude.
I’ll like to use this familiar bible verse inspired by God and written by the Apostle Paul to offer encouragement to all Moms around the world. In it, He gave us instructions for finding strength, joy, and peace in our daily lives as we continue to stand in the gap for our family selflessly, sacrificially, stoically as a Mother. The responsibilities bestowed upon us are great but so is God’s grace, favor and anointing from above. Many times when we think we can carry on no more, He carries us on His shoulders…He promises to lift us up as eagles and renew our strength…
Sharing a Mommy and Daughter moment… |
So this Mothers’ Day, may you…
Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your graciousness be known to everyone.
The Lord is near. Don’t’ worry about anything,
but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving;
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~ Philippians 4:4-7
Enjoy a happy and meaningful Mothers’ Day!
Pei Shan says
Yes, thank God for this job. Blessed birthday to you, Dana’s Mummy. (: