The hubs heard this instrumental cover of Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years on his way back from work one evening and dedicated to me on his FB page that very night when I was asleep.
His message reads,
A Dedication: After having the life sucked out of me from the week’s demands at work…I paused and remember how much harder it is for my wife who has to balance the demands of a professional working life with the demands of home (and sometimes an unappreciative husband) and having to tear herself from home each day… Here’s a song I heard on my way home which I’d like to dedicate to my long-suffering wife …”I have loved you for a thousand years…and I’ll love you for a thousand more“.
This was despite the fact that for the past week, I’ve been short-fused and irritable from the pain and discomfort caused by my wisdom tooth surgery. As I listened to the music over and over again, I was moved to tears…the beautiful strings, the romantic piano chords…the melancholy of it all. Sometimes, when words fail, let the music take over.

I was closed to tear just be listening to this music… ha.. me & my emo. beside being a big fan of the movie series, this song speaks a thousand words of unconditional love, acceptance and giving. Your hubs has all of these for you, he’s truly a gem. Blessing 🙂
SO SWEET of your hubby!!! 🙂
This is my all time favourite!
Aww this is too sweet … Love is a beautiful thing 🙂