Returning to Singapore again after previous sold-out shows, Hi-5 House Hits 2014 will be returning to Singapore with classic hits such as “L.O.V.E”, “Ready or Not” and “Give 5”, as well as some brand new catchy tunes! The all-Australian cast of Stevie, Ainsley, Mary, Dayen and new member, Tanika will put on their dancing shoes and sparkle on stage for two days only on 5 and 6th December 2014 at The Star Performing Arts Centre. I remember bringing Dana to Hi-5’s concert when she turned 3 and she simply loved it!
Children and their families can look forward to an dazzling time of singing and dancing to Hi-5’s easy-to-learn dance moves, catchy songs and party games. It promises to be a truly unique up-close and personal experience that will be even more exciting than watching the beloved cast on TV! Not forgetting the puppet friends of the show, Chats and Jup Jup will also be joining in the fun too! Expect a surprise by Chats as she will make sure some audience members are stars of the show, while Jup Jup will also be making a tricky appearance. Hi-5 House Hits 2014 is guaranteed to be a fun-filled event for the whole family.
Hi-5 House Hits 2014
Show Dates: 5 and 6 December 2014 (Friday and Saturday)
Venue: The Star Performing Arts Centre
Show Times:
5 Dec Fri – 11am, 3pm, 7pm
6 Dec Sat – 11am, 3pm, 7pm
Tickets priced from SGD45 and up are available from Sistic website.
Thanks to our generous sponsor, 1 lucky reader of our blog will win A Family Pack of 4 Tickets to watch ‘Hi-5’ on Friday, 5 Dec 2014, 11am at The Star Performing Arts Centre. To participate in the giveaway, simply follow the steps here:
This giveaway ends on 31 October 2014, 11.59pm and is open to readers based in Singapore only. Winners will be contacted using the contact particulars provided when entering this draw and will have 48 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All incomplete entries will be disqualified. All entries will be verified before the winners are announced. To be fair to our sponsors, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (e.g. accounts set up purely to take part in contests with no or very few real friends) will be disqualified. All the best!
He simply love the songs and groove to the beat! Once hi5 is on, he doesn’t rembr who mummy is!
My kids love the choreographed dance moves and have been dancing to their songs whenever Hi-5 is on tv.
Shirley Yong
[email protected]
My kids love hi5 simply for their songs which makes them move to the music! And my girl especially loves the colourful dresses that the hi5 crews wear!
My kids love to watch real human sings and dance!
[email protected]
They love to sing and dance together with High 5
My gals are fans of Hi-5. Their songs are very nice and my gals like to dance along with their songs.
My 3 yr old requested for HI5 theme for his 2nd birthday and with his 3rd coming, he again asked for hi5!! that’s how much he likes hi5
[email protected]
Ever since I had kids, Hi-5 songs are the only songs sung at my house. The Hi-5 spirit is crazy and infectious, I even caught myself singing the songs when I’m not with my kids. Yes, even in the office. Hoping to win the tickets! This is the equivalent of a rock concert to us! Yeah!!!
My girl loves their songs and dance. Always sing and dance when watching Hi-5 on Disney Junior.
Mona [email protected]
My kids can sing all the songs, and execute their dance moves!
Jazry Chan
[email protected]
They like the music and dancing.
My boys aged 2 yrs to 4 yrs old are fans of Hi-5. My eldest is 4 yrs old is the greatest fan amongst them. He can dance all of the songs on Hi-5. He even been to last year Hi-5 Singapore tour at MBS. His favourite song is “Wish Upon a Star”. (Mine too…shhhh)
forgot my name : Joleen Ng
Email: [email protected]
they will pause at the activities that they are engage with to sing and dance.
[email protected]
My boy loves their songs and will sing and dance along too!
There r just amazing with their catchy tunes N dance moves
They can just moved the kids somehow
My kids love Hi-5 show.
My 2 boys love Hi-5. They will always sing and dance along with them! It would be great if they can see them live performer! Thank you.
[email protected]
I’m not sure if it’s the upbeat music, the easy-to-follow dance steps or the bright colours of the costumes and stage but my girls are the biggest fans of Hi-5! They each have their favourite songs and would always get off their seats to dance together. My older one learned to tell time so she will know when Hi-5 appears on TV!
Mag Yeow
My 2 kids are big fans of Hi-5! Both will dance excitedly to the music when it’s on!
Hi I’m Shilin, mother of Denzel 4Yo & Aunt of Micaela 3Yo! Both of the kiddos love Hi5 and i always enjoy seeing them sing and dance when watching Hi5! Hope can win the tickets to bring them to watch them live!
Email add: [email protected]
Angela Tan
[email protected]
My kids love their songs and will sing and dance along with them
my 19 months baby boy Caleb is super hyper and happy to watch hi5 daily. He loves grooving to the dance, music, cha cha and pulls mama to join in dancing too. I love the energy in Hi5 and how it helps in teaching my child words and languages through dance and music 🙂
Hope to win this for my 3 lovely darlings! They love to sing and dance along with hi-5.
Family of 5 going to the hi-5
My girl loves to dance along when Hi 5 sings.. And she can repeatedly watch them sing every single day.
Lu Siu Ching
[email protected]
I would love to win them. Wanted to buy the tickets but it is just too expensive for me to commit the purchase! The girls adore them!
My gal loves Hi5 songs so much, she could listen everyday. She will also follow dance whenever she watch on TV show.
I would love to bring her to watch them in person.
My boy loves their songs and dance!
Irene Fock
[email protected]
my boys are so glued to the tv once hi-5 is on!
My gal loves Hi5 songs so much, she could listen everyday. She will also follow dance whenever she watch on TV show.
I would love to bring her to watch them in person.
[email protected]
My kids loves sing & dancing when I on Hi 5
The songs are catchy, it’s educational and interesting. Plus my boy loves to dance
My daughter loves their songs and dances and can dance so well to the rhythm!
[email protected]
Xin Hwei
My girl simply loved Hi5 so so much!! Her last 4 year old celebration is Hi5 theme. She is crazy over it. Really hope can win this for her.
Julie Yeo
[email protected]
Hi-5 shows incorporate music and dance in every show which makes it fun plus enjoyable for my kids (and myself ^_^) to watch. The catchy songs help them to remember the educational topics that were covered in the shows….Good looking faces is a plus point too =p
My whole family loves the up beat music and songs!
Both my kids love the music and can sing to almost every song. They don’t ever get tired of Hi-5!
Winnie Lee
The songs are very catchy, the show is so colorful and very entertaining.
[email protected]
Catchy Music & dancing to the groove!
My daughter loves Hi-5 very much. She can sing every single songs from the past Hi-5 songs to the latest songs. She not only can sing very well and also follows every steps and movement to each song with all her Hi-5 members. She have been watching Hi-5 since she was 2 years old and never brought her to see Hi-5 live in Singapore before. I hope to win the tickets for my Hi-5 biggest fan girlto watch it live and sing & dance together with the Hi-5 team!!
because they love to sing and dance to hi-5!
We love hi-5 for their catchy tunes and upbeat dance steps!
My 3 kids just love the Hi-5 up beat music and catchy songs!
my kids love to dance and sing along with Hi-5 team members!
My girls love hi 5 because of their song. They love to dance when they sing song. Hope to win tickets to bring them c Hi 5 live.
They love the songs and dances !! So catchy !!
My girl loves their songs and dance moves!
Cynthia Lau
[email protected]
They like to sing and dance with them whenever they are on TV.
[email protected]
My son’s fav show every weekends. He will sing and dance with the songs. He will sit there quietly for an hour enjoying the show. He had learnt a lot of words and songs from Hi-5 too
Name: Joanna Heng Gek Yong
email: [email protected]
My kids love to follow their dance steps and sing along all songs with them in front of the TV. The elder one remember all their names.
Hope to win this so they can see them in person.
[email protected]
Sorry wrong email. Shd be [email protected]
My boy love Hi-5 very much. I have lot of Hi-5 DVD; he watch it since newborn till now. Whenever he heard Hi-5 songs, he will sing, dance and jump together with them.
[email protected]
My 6yo has been watching hi5 even before he turns one! He’s a huge fan!
My children love the dance and songs. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
The girls love Hi-5 and their songs and especially their dances. Even I myself know the songs and dances.
Teo Yee Long
[email protected]
My girl loves the catchy songs, colourful costumes and fun dance moves. Whenever she is difficult for us to manage, we will let her watch Hi-5 and she will calm down immediately. And her eyes will be glued to the shows.
Name: Serene Leow
Email: [email protected]
My kids loves to sing and dance to the catchy tunes. “Love” is their favourite.
Everyday my son will asking to watch Hi-5. Im sure he will be excited to attend the real Hi-5 concert. Hope we will be chosen for the event :).
My kids love to sing and dance to their songs!
Louis Lee
[email protected]
No only my kids are the fan of Hi 5, me too. My girl has been watching Hi 5 since she was 1 year old and now she is 9 years old. At time, she will watch Hi 5 with her 3 year old brother. They can even sing and dance along with the song from Hi 5, eg. Under the Sea, when I wish upon a star, monster party and L.O.V.E ….
My daughter and my niece are Hi 5 fan since two years old and now she already 5 years old and they till love them! Hope to win the tickets so that can bring both of them to have great time with their idols!
Hope to win to watch the show! My boy likes the singing and the dance moves from Hi-5!
Gordon Ngiam
[email protected]
It’s my younger boys favorite !!! I hope I am lucky. Thanks.
My 3 boys love watching hi5, and dancing to the songs, sometimes i will get into the fun with them!
My girl loves to dance to the songs of Hi 5
Because she loves the music and movements in the show
Mabel Lim
[email protected]
My kids love the Hi-5 songs. They will ‘close your eyes and dream… Dream of everything dream of everything…’ (Pretend play Hi-5)
My girl is the biggest fan of HI-5. She starting watching since 13 months and will dance and shake her butt along with them. Hope to bring her to see them live as a lovely present to her birthday.
My dear son can name all of them! This is something very unusual as he can’t even remember his friends’ name!
[email protected]
My kids have been watching Hi5 since they were babies. We buy the dvd and go to their concerts. Our last was at MBS. So I hope to ein this time round.
My daughter and son both are fond of all the characters of Hi5
Anshul Kumar
My boy love Hi 5 since he was few months old. Now he is 3 will sing and dance along while watching.
My girl loves to dance to the beat! If she is familiar to the songs, she would also sings to it! Some of the songs are quite catchy that i sings along with it too! 😀
The girls love hi-5 for their songs, their dances and their energy!
Joeanne Shim
[email protected]
My 3 grandchildren, age 1 , 3 & 9 grew with Hi 5! Meaning, i have been with Hi 5 for 9 years! Remembered, 9 years ago, 1 of the Hi 5 gang was Kathleen then she got pregnant and let the gang. The kids love to sing & dance with the song. (indoor exercise for the hazy weather).
the kids love to watch hi-5 shows on TV. Hope to bring them to watch live
Alan Tan
[email protected]
My son always sing and groove along whenever I play Hi-5 DVD at home.
Andrew Wong
[email protected]
Whenever my girl is ‘out of control’, she will start singing and dancing away when I play Hi-5 on TV.
Lim Yin Ping
[email protected]
My child loves to watch the Hi-5 show, sing and dance together with Hi-5. Hope to win 🙂
My daughter like hi-5 small story, dance puppet takk and everything
My kids love hi5. They like the songs from hi5. I think they will be very happy if they watch hi5 live.
Thank you
Lai yin
([email protected])
My Daughter likes it as Hi5 is a musical show keeping my girl on her toes..Loves the songs, love to dance & colorful show. We love her seeing so happy & active jumping all along the show…
Ashmika Jain
[email protected]
This is one of my girl’s favorite! We had even took photo wth the team 2 years back!
Both my kids love singing and dancing so Hi-5 is one of their favourite programmes!
[email protected]
My daughter likes hi-5 very mucha nd she dances and sings along throughout whenever she sees them on TV and I hope , she would enjoy it even further if she is able to catch them live performing in front of her eyes.
My boys love the songs, the dance and the story telling.
Monika Christine
[email protected]
Children (and adults too) like Hi-5 for their songs and dances. We love them too!
John Teo
[email protected]
Love all their songs, dances, stories and costumes.
Teo Han Choo
[email protected]
My 5 yr old boy like their songs and will follow their dance movement too.
Name : Linda Wong
Email : [email protected]
Hi, do you know if they will make any special appearance at any of the shopping mall this time round? My daughter loves Hi5 but at the age of barely 2, i think it is too young for her to attend the show….