I’ve been participating in A Juggling Mum’s Motivational Monday Linky Party for a while now but have not devoted a post to my well-being. As a mom, our lives revolve around our family and children but I agree with fellow Mommy Bloggers – Susan, Ruth and June that we do need to slow down, reevaluate our priorities and take better care of ourselves.
I have been lamenting to the hubs for the longest time that we should start an exercise regime so as to be trim and fit but I’ve never done anything constructive about it (at least the hubs hits the gym every morning before work). He has been cajoling me to sign up for ballroom dancing with him only to have me dismissed it without nary a thought. All these changed in August when both of us saw a Zumba class poster at a neighbourhood community club. Zumba – dance combined with fitness, sounds do-able, why not?
I am very proud since then, we have been attending Zumba class religiously without fail every Tuesday evening! Never mind the fact that we discover to our surprise that the hubs is the only guy in the entire class of 40 females (Singaporean males need to be more open minded about dancing we say)! We didn’t even know there’s a mind boggling array of Zumba classes available – there are Zumba GOLD, Zumba FITNESS and Zumba TONING. Without a clue, we gamely paid up for 12 lessons of Zumba Fitness which is among the most intensive of all!
Never mind that every Tuesday, we would have to go to great lengths to secure childminding arrangements for Dana so we can Zumba in peace; never mind that the hubs has to sometimes skip his dinner due to rush hour traffic; never mind that after the one hour workout, our muscles and back would sometimes ache for days; never mind that our footwork is far from being nifty (and I could never seem to master shaking that booty like Jennifer Lopez)…oh well, both of us enjoyed the workout; we treasure the precious short time away from our parenting duties burning calories and we value the mutual encouragement to ‘dance’ our way to great health! Apart from the Zumba class, we have also made modifications to our dietary intake by supplementing 1 to 2 meals a day with nutritional shakes. Our ultimate goal is to stay healthy so we can spend many more happy years watching our daughter grow and travelling the world as a family!
If you want to find out a little more about this great dance fitness programme, check out this short introduction video! You can also locate a Zumba class near you from this website.
Linking up with A Juggling Mom‘s
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