I’ve been feeling down ever since Dana broke her toe on Monday…For those in the know, this is her second ‘mishap’ since July (where she busted her chin).
The ‘superstitious’ side of me keeps thinking that we might be under some kind of ‘spiritual’ attack…I guessed the little one can sense my moodiness so she’s been extra obedient, extra loving and extra cooperative this past one week of being home bound. Despite her discomfort and immobility, I caught her on few occasions, smiling sweetly at me spontaneously just to induce a smile from me in return…

Perhaps in her own ways, this is what my daughter wants to say to her Mommy…That she’ll be fine and Mommy shouldn’t worry or blame herself…that tough times don’t last, but tough people do…that as Moms, we are braver than we believe and stronger than we seem…For this, I thank God for sending me reminders that it may be a rough patch we are going through, but He’ll provide us the strong shoes to wade through it…

Oh dear… hope she get well soon!
Poor thing! Take care and don’t worry too much ya. Praying for a speedy recovery for Dana!
I really hope she gets better soon. Your family will be in my prayers!