Kids are fascinated with all manner of public transport: buses, trains and MRT. Ever since the Princess has outgrown the height limit of 90cm, she can no longer qualify for free travel on public transport. Today, I finally had the time to bring her to apply for her very own Child Concession Ezy-link Card. She was extremely delighted to have a card to call her own (a big step towards being a big girl now!), but for Mommy & Daddy, we secretly wish she will remain a baby forever…
The card works like an adult stored-valued card except it allows kids to traverse around the island on buses and MRTs at child-friendly prices! We read the FAQs and steps found on Transitlink’s website, downloaded a form, filled it up, photocopied her Birth Certificate and applied for the card on the spot today at the Transitlink office, Clementi MRT station.

As expected, the young lady can’t wait to try out the new card. Being the dutiful Mom, I took her on a round island ride on the MRT. We took the East-West line to Raffles Place for our regular haircut at and brunch at Barcook Bakery. Our next stop was Tai Seng Station (I’ve never heard of this station prior to this!) where we did some CNY shopping at Itsy Bitsy Me‘s warehouse sale. After that, we hopped on the Circle Line back to Holland Village station (my second time and Dana’s first on the Circle Line!) to drop her off for her enrichment lessons while I pamper myself with a much needed manicure/pedicure at my usual nail salon. We spent a tiring but enjoyable Mommy & Dana day putting her child concession Ezy-link card to good use and I relish the small conversations we struck up throughout the day…I hope it will not be too long that we can do this all over again.

Take a double-decker bus, choose the front row. And catch Princess’ expressions. (everything look so much smaller from the top).
cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
My girl is eligible already but I didn’t have time to buy yet! Shhhhhhhhh hahaha.
Hi Andy
good morning! Thanks for that suggestion, Dana would love you for that. She’s always aksing me if we can climb up to the upper deck but I’ve always turned her down (as the bus always seems to be driving at very fast speed). I shall grant her wish the day out 🙂
Hi Madeline,
me too! I’ve been er-hem…sheepishly smuggling Dana with me in and out of gantries for the past year! But now that she’s turning 5, I thought it’s high time we apply the card for her. And she should see how smug she looked! 😀