When people say time flies, I believe parents couldn’t agree more. Our princess turned 16 months on 5 Aug and I’ve only found time to document her milestones today. This is perhaps the best toddler age; she’s bubbly, giggly, spontaneous, inquisitive and very communicative. At this age, toddlers are trying to make sense of the world around them through language and hence, they love to mimic our actions and words. Dana does this everyday, much to our amusement.
She’s growing by leaps and bounds esp in terms of her language and cognitive development. An unofficial count reveals that she can speak about a hundred words now and she’s also in the early stage of linking words together (double-syllable words).
An incomplete list of her current command of words (which she can identify and verbalise):
Family:Daddy, Mummy, Auntie, Uncle, Ah-Ma (Maternal Grandma), Ma-Ma (Paternal Grandma), Jie-Jie, Kor-Kor, Di-Di, Mei-Mei, Pa-Pa, Hei-Hei (for dog)
Body Parts:
Head, Toes, Fingers, Mouth, Nose, Eyes, Tongue, Teeth, Ear, Hair, Chin, Neck
Food & Fruits:Porridge, Bread, Egg, Cheese, Pasta, Cereal, Melon, Apple, Papaya (yaya), Lemon, Peach, Banana (nana), Rice, Drink (for water), Juice, Milk (able to sign for Milk too), Potato, Biscuit, Ice-Cream, Berry (for Strawberry)
Saluations/Greetings and Instructions:
Hi, Hello, Thank you, Bye-Bye, Morning, See you, Sorry, Pao-Pao (for carry), Yes (with a nod) and No (shakes her head), Up, Down
Verbs:Sit, Walk, Sleep, Pick-up, Hold, Hug, Wipe, Eat, Drink, Stir, Drop, Clap, Pat, Dance, Draw, Wave (for waving hands), Swim, Pah-Pah (for beating when she’s naughty), Pao-Pao (for carry), Pong-Pong (for bathing), Poo-Poo, Sayang (for showing tender love), Work, Drive
There (instructing us where to go), Hot and Cold (able to differentiate between the 2 states and can tell us), Scared, Pain, Good, Nice, ”Shears” (for Delicious), Wet
Animals (Recognizes and verbalizes many animal sounds):
Dog, Cat, Duck, Cow, Horse, Tiger, Lion, Monkey, Turtle, Fish, Bird, Bear, Rabbits, Fen (for Elephant), Ant, Crab, Dolphin
Other Objects (Nouns):
Baby, Books, Bubbles, Ball, Drum, Bag, School, Teacher, Phone, Tissue, Socks, Shoe, Star, Sun, Moon, Flower, Pillow, Circle, House, Home, Car, Bus, Train, Boat, Cycle (for Motorcycle), Spoon, Plate, Slide, High-Chair, Shirt, Pants, Bib, Piano, Sofa, Bed, Clock
Religious Words:Jesus, Pray and Amen!
Besides uttering these words, it is now possible to hold a simple conversation with our Princess where she can answer simple question. E.g.
Daddy: Dana, are you tired, do you want to sleep now?
Dana: No (shakes head)
Mummy: Dana, what do you want to eat for dinner later?
Dana: Porridge
Mummy: Dana, where did Daddy go?
Dana: Work
Daddy: Dana, who do you want to call with the phone?
Dana: Ah-Ma
Mummy: Dana, where are we going?
Dana: School!
Many of our friends have commented that Dana’s language skills seem to be rather advanced for her age. We attribute these to Daddy’s incessant chatter with Dana even from month 0, the daily dose of ‘Your Baby Can Read’ during her dinner feed, her time spent interacting with teachers at the infantcare and mummy’s nightly reading session before bedtime. By God’s grace, we hope to continue to inspiring Dana’s love for learning as she grows, grows and grows!
madster says
Advance indeed! Kudos to mummy and daddy!