Sharing a poem I found on the web as we remember the real reason for the season. C is for the Child born that night to be our Light. (John 8:12) H is for Holy is His name. (Rev 4:8) R is for Rejoice with gladness & joy. (Luke 1:14) I is for Immanuel, God with us. (Isaiah.7:14; John 1:14) S is for the Star that led the Wise men to Him. (Matt 2:2) T is for the Truth & Grace that was sent our way. (John 1:14)M is for Manger where Jesus laid as a baby. (Luke 2:7)A is for Angels … [Read more...]
Archives for 2009
Christmas Greeting 2009
Just back from an awesome 12-day Aussie vacation with the family. Here's Dana and our dearest Godson Benjamin wishing all our blog followers a Most Blessed Christmas!May the Love of Christ and the Peace of the Newborn King be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! … [Read more...]
Happy 20 Months Princess! :)
We love you to bits my darling, you know that fully well :) … [Read more...]
O so tickled! :)
I love these pics which we took of our Princess last Sat at the pool. It makes weekends worth looking forward to. It cheers you up seeing your company can inspire such happiness in the little one. … [Read more...]
T is for Teething!
Last Sat on the day of our big move, Dana registered a higher than usual temperature. We were initially very worried as there was an outbreak of HMFD in her pre-school but it turned out that she was teething!For few days that ensued, our Princess kept complaining of pain in her mouth (esp near the right cheek area) so we presumed her molars were erupting. Some of these symptoms presented themselves - irritability, loss of appetite, gumming and sucking and sleepless … [Read more...]
What we’ve been up to…
We're moving! Will resume updates to the blog once we're comfortably settled in our new apartment :) … [Read more...]
Discipline without Anger
With our Princess slowly approaching the infamous "Terrible Twos" stage, she is starting to exhibit more willful behaviour. We as her parents are faced with the enviable task of having to "discipline" this charming little tot whom we love with all our being. On some occasions, we disciplined her out of anger at the spur of the moment; it's definitely not something that we are proud of. We humbly come before God to ask for His forgiveness and seek His … [Read more...]
19 months….
What does it mean to turn 19 months? A growth spurt which allows me to fit into my new pair of toddler shoes and jeans snugly; an emerging opinionated personality which can dictate to Mummy and Daddy what I like (and dislike) be it food, fashion or choice of TV programme; a healthy sense of curiosity which keeps me eager to try new things every moment everyday; a strong grasp of language which allows me to articulate my needs and interact socially with people around … [Read more...]
Baby TV
While holidaying in Bali in June, we came across this commercial-free TV channel called Baby TV. We were initially skeptical of such a channel but after few viewings during our short vacation in Bali, we became a instant convert. We found that BabyTV’s programmes are geared to address the developmental milestones that our baby encounters in her first years and the programmes are made up of short stories and experiences that reflect her world. Later, we found out that all of Baby … [Read more...]
The Magic of Eric Carle
Of the many Eric Carle books in Dana's collection, this is one which we like very much. I had actually forgotten that I bought this title till Daddy fished it out from our bookshelves yesterday evening for Dana's bedtime story. It comes with an accompanying CD where the story is narrated. This was a bonus for us as Dana got to enjoy the story being read by a native English speaker (instead of Daddy and Mummy) for a change! The story is simple for toddlers to follow. It begins in the factory … [Read more...]
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