One reason I sometimes dread the start of a New Year is the nagging feeling that I’ve yet to set my New Year Resolutions. Inevitably, top of many people’s list include ambitious goals to lose weight, save more money, exercise more, eat healthy and and look good. Don’t get me wrong. I like goals. I like resolutions. I like the idea of starting with a clean slate — I certainly hope the New Year will be better than the last.
For the past week since we’re returned from our vacation, I been quietly contemplating the goals I wish to set for 2013. After some soul-searching, I’ve concluded that I simply want to live more mindfully, be a better Mom (and wife) and just enjoy my life fully.
With this in mind, I’ve created this list of 20 intentional and attainable goals. These are resolutions any parent can achieve too.
1. Start each day with a purpose and smile.
2. Celebrate more. The big things … and the oh so little.
3. Learn to let go.
4. Play more.
5. Write more love notes.
6. Notice the beauty of my day.
7. Be spontaneous. Try new stuff.
8. Read more.
9. Become a more peaceful person.
10. Trust my instincts.
11. Let my kid be a kid.
12. Be fully present at work and at home.
13. Write better.
14. Listen more.
15. Mentor someone.
16. Laugh more.
17. Discipline with love, not anger.
18. Be more silly.
19. Stay calm. Resist over-reacting.
20. Slow down and enjoy the moments.
Have you set any resolutions? Whatever your heart’s desires and wishes, may they all come true. To a great 2013!
Suhanya says
Wow love it!!! And Guess what?? Have been thinking on the same lines too..