With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, “Big Hero 6” is an action-packed comedy-adventure about a robotics prodigy, Hiro Hamada, a young robotics prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his robot Baymax who uncover a criminal plot in the futuristic hybrid city of SAN FRANSOKYO (a fictional mash-up of 2 cities – San Francisco and Tokyo). When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding , Hiro and Baymax transformed a team of inexperienced crime-fighters (comprising of his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred) into high tech heroes to solve the crimes by a masked villain.
Thanks to our sponsor, we have a Family Pack of 4 tickets for 1 loyal reader to watch “Big Hero 6” on on 12 Nov, 7pm at GV Plaza Singapura. To participate in the giveaway, simply follow the steps below:
This giveaway ends on 10 November 2014, 11.59pm and is open to readers based in Singapore only. Winners will be contacted using the contact particulars provided when entering this draw and will have 48 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All incomplete entries will be disqualified. All entries will be verified before the winners are announced. To be fair to our sponsors, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (e.g. accounts set up purely to take part in contests with no or very few real friends) will be disqualified. All the best!
Debbie Ng says
I am Fred!
Debbie Ng
[email protected]
yoyo says
Im hiro!
Angela Tan says
Name: Angela
Email address: [email protected]
I’m Go Go Tomago
Gordon Ngiam says
After taking the quiz I am Fred
Gordon Ngiam
[email protected]
jaime chan says
jaime chan
[email protected]
Esther says
Love these kind of movies! Thanks Angeline for the giveaway and the chance 🙂
Sharon Ng says
I’m Fred!
sri sorna says
Aft the quiz I am Baymax.
Ling Siew Ng says
I’m Wasabi!
jolin says
I am Go Go Tomago
[email protected]
Gan Say Bin says
I am Hiro!
Mary H says
I’m GoGo Tomago! (Whatever that is ;p)
Mary H
[email protected]
ashmika Jain says
I am Honey Lemon…
Thanks a lots for giveaway..
ashmika jain
[email protected]
Celin says
I am wasabi!!
[email protected]
Shirley Chia says
Hi and thanks for the chance. My daughters are big fans for disney !
Bumber bee says
Oops! Typo, should be Hiro.
Serene Ching says
I’m Hiro!
[email protected]
Joey Cheong says
I’m Baymax!!
Please please please… * raise hands very high*
My son is already a huge fan of Big Hero just by repeating the trailer over and over again, he definitely will be very excited to watch it on big screen!
Jasmine says
I’m a wasabi
Lee Ling says
I am Hiro
Leong Yee Ming says
I am Fed!
Leong Yee Ming says
I am Fred!
Geraldine Lim says
I am Wasabi!
Geraldine Lim
[email protected]
yAnn says
I am Wasabi!
Cynthia Lau says
Cynthia Lau
[email protected]
Robert Sim says
I am Wasabi!
[email protected]
Carol Lim says
I am Hiro, woot!
[email protected]
elizabeth says
I am Wasabi!
[email protected]
Christina says
Name: Christina
Email: [email protected]
Thanks Angeline!
Alexis says
I’m Fred!
Adeline k says
I’m Fred!
Irene Fock says
I’m Baymax!
Irene Fock
[email protected]
Serene Leow says
Im Hiro.
Ace Serene
[email protected]
shweta srivastava says
I am fred
Wendy Tay says
The quiz tells me I’m HIRO…
but I feel so WASABI after watching one of the trailers o_O
anyway, thanks for the giveaway!
Wendy Tay
[email protected]
Lu Siu Ching says
I’m GoGo Tomago
Lu Siu Ching
[email protected]
Ting says
I am wasabi!
[email protected]
Pam Wong says
I am Go Go Tomago!
Rowena Lim says
Go Go Tomago
leow fonteyn says
I am Honey Lemon
Xgg Chan says
I’m Wasabi!
Xgg Chan
[email protected]
katherine lum yun lai says
I am Baymax 🙂
[email protected]
Andrew Wong says
I’m Hiro.
Andrew Wong
[email protected]
Lim Yin Ping says
Honey Lemon!
Lim Yin Ping
[email protected]
Kathy Woon-Tan says
Hmmm tough one.. I think I am… HIRO
(or… oh nevermind.. I am HIRO)
Kathy Woon-Tan
Email: [email protected]
jaslyn Chong says
[email protected]
Evangelyn says
I’m Hiro!
Ai-Lin says
I’m Baymax! Reliable, kind, squishy and a bog softie, so true!
Ai-Lin says
I’m Baymax! Reliable, kind, squishy and a big softie, so true!
Shermin Gerk says
I am proud to be FRED! 😀
Mia C. Alegrado says
Name: Mia C. Alegrado
email: [email protected]
I’m Hiro!
Victor says
i am Wasabi!! Sounds so corny :p
[email protected]
Meiyi says
Wasabi is me! –Meiyi ([email protected])
Mona says
I’m Fred!
Kaye Wong says
I am Honey Lemon 🙂
Kaye Wong
[email protected]
Linda Wong says
I am Wasabi!
Dotz says
I am GoGo Tomago!!
[email protected]
Lynn says
I am Go go Tomago
Sylvia Seah says
Name: Sylvia Seah
I’m go go tomogo!!
[email protected]
Shirley Yong says
I’m Wasabi!
Shirley Yong
[email protected]
Lyn Teo says
I am Hiro 🙂
Lyn Teo
[email protected]
Tammy Tng says
I’m Hiro!
Claudia says
I am Baymax!
Jeremy Kwok says
Jeremy Kwok
Email:[email protected]
Michele says
I am Hiro