‘This is way cool!’ ‘Where did you get these cards and learning materials from?’
Instead of the daughter, it was I, the Daddy, who was intrigued about the contents of the latest Junior Explorers ‘Mission Box’ that had just arrived in our mailbox (which I just happened to lay hands on before the daughter did). After I investigated the contents within the Welcome Kit and Mission Envelope, I couldn’t wait to embark on the mission with my daughter!
We know that the key to effective learning is to make learning authentic and interactive. We also know that from young, we can develop a healthy sense of curiosity in children, starting by exploring the natural world around them, with them.
Junior Explorers does exactly just that.
It is a hands-on, interactive learning subscription box where children can learn more about our planet as they take on the role of an explorer going on expeditions (‘missions’) to rescue wildlife in danger. Central to the learning is a dedicated Junior Explorers Website which guides young explorers through a series of interactive quizzes and games. Along with that are a variety of well-researched offline activities to supplement the online learning experience.
Each month’s mission will come in a mission envelope which comprises of:
- A Welcome Letter
- Stickers and Tattoos
- Mini Animal figurines
- Mission Wristband
- Mission Pin
- Animal Fact Cards
- Post-cards
- Mission Instructions
- Activity Book
- Login information to complete the online exercises
There is a checklist to follow in order to complete the mission. Dana was sold from Day 1 of the journey and has been eager anticipating new mission envelope to arrive in the mail.
In addition, every Junior Explorer will receive a Welcome Kit in a box (‘trunk’) when they activate their subscription. Children are encouraged to decorate and personalise the ‘trunk’. There will be extra paraphernalia such as a sports water-bottle and a large World Map to accompany our children in their expeditions.
Dana is drawn to Junior Explorers for the following reasons:
• The high resolution photos, both in print and online.
• The fun interactive games which allow children to learn about a new eco-system & habitat each month.
• The comprehensive fact sheet which outlines key information about the climate, animals and the terrain of the habitat & eco-system.
• The animal cards summarize main facts about animal species living in those specific habitats at a glance.
• Post-card sized fact cards that allow the explorers to share their unique findings with classmates and friends.
• Temporary tattoos, colourful wrist bands, animal figurines to inject that extra bit of excitement and realism into the whole explorers theme.
So far, after two ‘missions’, this is what we parents like most about Junior Explorers:
• The interactive elements give children instant feedback on their understanding through quizzes and games.
• The combination of innovative online interactive strategies with that of old-school, paper-based learning.
• The online segments come with audio narration. This allows the children to work on the missions independently while learning the pronunciation and definitions of new vocabulary.
• Animation makes the learning of scientific concepts less abstract.
• High resolution photos bring the places, animals and peoples right into the study room for our children.
• Learning through deduction: Some of the interactive elements actually ASK questions which require children to pause, think and search for the answers.
• Parents learn together with children (just like what we did one hazed-in evening and picked up so many facts on Serengeti!)
• Children can learn at their own pace, anywhere, at home, at the airport or at a restaurant (as long as there’s Wi-Fi connection).
• Children are empowered to be more aware of environmental conservation and at the same time, contribute to conservation efforts: they play games + earn and give points to real world conservation projects. The Junior Explorers team will then convert these points to actual donations!
• Well-received by educators and parents in the U.S (where Junior Explorers was first launched).
With our children so attuned to modern technology, Junior Explorers rides on it to make the acquiring of new knowledge exciting. It also supplements the school’s science curriculum while harnessing the potential for parent-child bonding to take place in front of the computer (note: usually when youths get behind the computer, parents are shut off from their world but Junior Explorers encourages parent and child to work collaboratively!). With that, learning is truly something to remember for life.
With E-learning being the buzz word in primary schools, Junior Explorers is a fun, educational subscription box that receives our thumbs-up! The only grouse we have is that the website sometimes ‘hang’ or takes a while to load. We have given feedback to the web developers who have assured us they will resolve this.
If you are keen to sign your children up as Junior Explorers or bless another child as a gift, subscription start from a low S$25 per month. Use this special discount code LTM10 to enjoy a 10% off! This code is valid till 30 October 2016.
Sign up via this website: http://sg.juniorexplorers.com/
Thanks to our sponsor, we have a 6 month’s Junior Explorers subscription (worth SGD127.49) to be given to 5 loyal readers (those with children age 6 to 11). To participate, simply do the following:
This giveaway ends on 8 November 2015, 11.59pm and is open to readers in Singapore. The winner will be contacted using the contact particulars provided when entering this draw and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. All incomplete and unverified entries will be disqualified. All entries will be verified before the winners are announced. To be fair to our sponsors, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (e.g. accounts set up purely to take part in contests with no or very few real friends) will be disqualified.
First time my going to be p1 boy going to do some e learning . I am not a big fan of electronic gadgets but it its in the same of learning , we can give it a try . It’s like a treasure hunt /puzzle type of learning
My four-year-old loves animals and nature. He will have lots of fun learning about animals with this box set.
I like the interactive elements of the Junior Explorers which allow kids to explore and learn through games and quizzes.
Hope to win for my youngest boy who loves animals very much!
The Junior Explorer enables parents and children to work collaboratively, this strengthen parent-child bonding!
Hope to win for my 3 young children who love to explore things in a fun and interactive way!
I love this because it teaches science in a innovative way. I wanna win this for my second son, Jayden, aged 7. He learns things slower and with this special help, I’m sure he will fall in love with science very easily.
Adeline koo
Fb: Adeline Ada koo
[email protected]
I like it as it is interactive and it brings people, animals and places to me/the child! I want to win for my girl!
Cynthia Lau
[email protected]
I love this cause it is very interactive and it helps to bond with kids while learning. .
Im attracted because its topics is wide, but explaination easy enough for kids to understand, nice graphics and captures kids attention with games. This will be a game that I don’t mind my kids play a little longer.
FB: Candy Tan
Email: [email protected]
The interactive contents would keep my little one excited and curious to carry on.
Thank you for the giveaway!
FB: Gladys Tiyo
[email protected]
Thank you for hosting the giveaway !
Love the interative elements for learning and of course being able to contribute to conservation efforts through gaming ! Hope to win !
Serene Seah
[email protected]
My eldest son is in Primary 1 now and he is already very curious about Science and Maths. He enjoys reading non-fiction books especially those on sea animals, and his favourite is the Octopus. I have always been thinking of new ways to help him find out more, besides reading books. This kit is definitely something new but fun and interactive. I mean, who doesn’t like to receive mails in their mailboxes? Would be a great gift for my son to share with his 2 younger siblings too.
Thank you for the chance!
I like the interactive learning and providing the different aspects to guide the kid in gaining knowledge, winning the subscription will help inspire my curious girl to grow into independant in her learning journey.
I love how the activity pack is interactive and a fun way for kids to learn about the world they live in. I would love to win this for my 9-yr old daughter who has been asking me to subscribe ever since she came across this activity box few weeks back. Thank you.
My going to P1 child is an inquisitive boy and expresses great interest in Science.
Hope I win this for him to start exploring his interest in an interactive way!
Hi David, would you be able to help to pass me the contact person n contact no. Of this company. I made a subscription on 20 July 2016 n after a long wait of 3 weeks plus, the first kit arrives n then we having problems in login n it has been close to 10 days now, n my little girl is really disappointed. I wrote to them using facebook messenge many times n there are no replies, I have no idea how else to contact them. Thanks.
Hi Jessie
sorry to hear about the login issues. Please contact: Mr. Akshaat Singh, Global Citizen, Associate, Junior Explorers Pte Ltd at +65 9640 7023 or email [email protected]. I hope the matter can be resolved soon so your daughter can get started on the kit.
63 Robinson Road, #06-07, Singapore 068894
Thanks Angie for the contact. God bless.