#74 – Make time for the playground… |
Of late, I’ve been more conscious that we should deposit into our kids’ emotional tanks with every interaction we make. Here are some ways I know I can show kindness to my 5 year-old, starting today. Won’t you join me?
3. I love you even when you are disobedient.
4. I love you even when I am angry with you.
5. I love you when you are not by my side. My love for you can reach you wherever you are.
6. If I could pick any 5 year old in the whole wide world, I’d pick you.
7. I love you to the moon and then around the stars and back again.
8. Thank you.
9. I enjoyed playing/snuggling up with you today.
10. My favorite part of the day was when I was with you and I _______.
Share with them:
11. The story of their birth or adoption.
12. About how you cuddled them when they were a baby.
13. The story/meaning of their name.
14. A story about yourself when you were their age.
15. The story of how you and your spouse met.
16. What your favorite colour is.
17. The origin of your faith.
18. That when you’re holding hands and you give three squeezes, it’s a secret code that means, “I love you”.
19. What the plan for the day is.
20. What you’re doing right now.
21. Jigsaw
22. Tumbling Monkeys
23. Monopoly
24. Snap!
25. Lego Friends
26. Sudoku
27. I Spy- especially when you’re tired of driving
28. Catch
29. To catch their kiss and put it on your cheek.
30. That their tickle tank is empty and you have to fill it.
31. That their high five is so powerful it nearly knocks you over.
32. That you are super ticklish.
33. That you are explorers in the amazing world of your own backyard.
34. That it’s party day!
35. To get enough sleep.
36. To drink enough water.
37. To eat healthy meals.
38. Dressing in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
39. Calling a friend the next time you feel like you are about to lose it with the kids.
40. Giving a gentle touch to show approval, rather than saying something.
41. Dancing in the kitchen/bathroom.
42. To get your kids to bop to the music with you in the car.
43. Showing your kids that you can do a somersault or handstand or a cartwheel.
44. Keeping the sigh to yourself. Just jump in and help clean up.
45. Counting to 10 (or 100) when they annoy you.
46. A book of silly poems.
47. A book and then act it out. (Like “I’m going on a Bear Hunt”)
48. A kid’s devotion.
49. When the afternoon is starting to go astray.
50. Outside under a tree, in a park.
51. In the library kids corner.
52. The comic book they love that you’re not so hot on.
53. About age appropriate behavior so you can keep your expectations realistic.
54. To your child in the car.
55. To that drawing description, and think how important it is to your child.
56. For that question that indicates your child really needs your input.
57. One second longer than you think you have patience for.
58. For the feelings behind your child’s words.
59. Why do you think that happens?
60. What do you think would happen if______?
61. How shall we find out?
62. What are you thinking about?
63. What was your favorite part of the day?
64. What do you think this tastes like?
65. Your child how to do something instead of banning them from it.
66. How to whistle.
67. How to shuffle cards- make a bridge if you can!
68. How to cut food.
69. How to fold laundry.
70. How to look up information when you don’t know the answer.
71. Affection to your spouse.
72. That taking care of yourself is important.
73. To watch the clouds.
74. To go to the playground.
75. To allow your child to help you dump ingredients in the bowl.
76. To explore new parks.
77. To walk barefoot in the sand.
78. To do a task at your child’s pace.
79. To just sit with you child while they play.
80. That your child is capable.
81. That you are the right parent for your child.
82. That you are enough.
83. That you are doing what is right for your family.
84. Clean your child’s room as a surprise.
85. Put chocolate chips in the pancakes.
86. Put a love note in their lunch.
87. Make their snack into a smile face shape.
88. Make sounds effects while you help them do something.
89. Sit on the floor with them to play.
90. Of the guilt.
91. Of how you thought it was going to be.
92. Of your need to be perfect.
93. A kind look.
94. A bright smile when your child walks into the room.
95. A tight hug back when your child touches you.
96. The chance to connect before you correct so that your child can actually hear your words.
97. Your child a chance to work out their frustrations before helping them.
98. A bath when the day feels long.
99. A positive affirmation.
100. A certificate with the award ‘Best Daughter/Son in the World!”
What are your favorite ways to be kind to your child?
I’ve modified the list from Creative with Kids. Do visit their Facebook to get updates on more parenting ideas to enjoy with your kids. Have a fun-filled, loving Thursday!
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