“ The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.” ~ Carl Jung As our daughter turned 16, I invited my husband to to pen his thoughts and wishes for our daughter. He struggled a little before coming up with this piece. The Emperor Years ago, my daughter's piano teacher posed a simple question: "What is your favorite piano piece?" Without hesitation, I mentioned Beethoven's 'Emperor,' performed by Dana, referring to the renowned composer's … [Read more...]
2022 In Review – How life has changed. Or has it?
Every year end, I would invite the Hubs to pen his thoughts on the year that has passed. Here’s his review on 2022. Photo: Cozying up at Queenstown New Zealand. June 2022 We all lamented the opportunities lost when the world came to a Covid stand-still in early 2020. But what were the first few things you did when Singapore and the world started reopening? Since the passing-away of my late father 38 years ago while I was still 13, I have always lived with the … [Read more...]
COVID-19 and Travel: Experience and Tips
Experience and Perspective As outbreaks of new cases and variants ebb and flow, so these regimes can also beexpected to come and go. That is the price of living with a disease that has not yetsettled into its endemic state. "The new normal is already here. Get used to it" The Economist, 18 Dec. 2021 Travel, near or far, is very much part of most Singaporean’s lifestyle. Although the world is opening-up to travel again and VTL regime may not be strictly in place, health check … [Read more...]
Teen, Transitions and Travel – Reflection on 2021 and ‘Pandemic Parenting’
2021. A year wrought with sweat, tears and prayers to make family life work. Before it ended, the Husb shared with me his reflections for the year. I asked for him to pen it down and here it is: The ‘Multi-Tasking Working Parents Task Force’ At this point of writing, I’m not too sure if ‘Happy New Year’ is a phrase I’d like to wish others especially since we will enter the 3rd year of this long drawn global pandemic. Truth be told, there were other major ‘shifts’ on the home … [Read more...]
NDP 2021 – Unique Ways to Celebrate from Home
Celebrating the Singapore Spirit, from home. This year’s NDP will be special in many ways. For one, since the nation and the world is still battling the pandemic, it will be one where the celebration is planned specifically for all to celebrate from the safety of our own home with our family and friends. So while the commemoration, in its pomp and pageantry will go on on the Float at Marina Bay, the celebration is encouraged to be done from the safety of our homes. Here are some … [Read more...]
Review – The Capitol Kempinski Hotel, Singapore
The 'Pandemic Gamble' I had booked a surprise staycation for my husband's 50th birthday in May but a week before that, Singapore tightened its safe management measures (Phase 2HA) which means no dining out among others. My husband wasn't in favor of having a staycation during these pandemic times because it meant a lot of pre-booking required (think swimming, meal times etc.) and restricted movement and access. The Phase 2HA tightened measures made me consider if I should postpone … [Read more...]
COVID-19 Vaccination Tips
“It is as if I’ve been hit by a train…” remarked the Hubby. The Hubby took his 2nd dose of the Pfizer-Biontec COVID-19 vaccine and less than 24 hours later, he suddenly developed chills, fever, lethargy during the evening and had to return to see a GP for some flu and fever medication to rest. He felt generally fine after his first dose and was still largely out and about on the 2nd day after his 2nd dose. From his experience he has these tips to share: (Note: Points below are … [Read more...]
National Day Party with PartyDiva.Co
Stay Home. Stay Safe and Celebrate! National Day will be very different this year amidst the pandemic. From movies to staycations and even leisure travel, virtually everything that we Singaporeans love have been badly affected by Covid-19. Even National Day celebration is not spared! Thankfully though, we can still celebrate National Day safely with our love ones with much verve and revelry in the way Singaporeans know how to - with good food delivered to our homes, thanks to the … [Read more...]
The Real Birthday Magic in a Virtual Magic Party
There But Not There This is the first time I have organized a party for my kids without me being physically there! Imagine the stress with so many uncertainties. The pandemic has thrown many things to the proverbial wind, including the entire family’s birthday celebrations from April (Dana’s), to May (David and mine) followed by Buddy’s in June. Since this would be Buddy’s last birthday before starting primary school, I was determined to make it special for him even if it meant a … [Read more...]
My Dyson Supersonic Experience
Gleeful Faces and a ‘Conspiracy’ I’ve heard and read so much about this hairdryer and now it’s been presented to me! Along with 3 gleeful faces, one of which was the ‘conspirator’ - the hubby no less, who had secretly planned this as an early Mother’s Day and Birthday present for me, and kept it hidden in the house with the kids’ help. The ‘Candy Store’ and the Mother’s Life Holding the Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer in my hands, I’m like a kid in a candy store, hardly able to contain my … [Read more...]
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