Pardon the French, but 2018 had been just that kind of a year for the hubby as well. While I was going through my own health issues, the husband has been having his own too. Sometimes the 'pillar' of our lives who support us silently from the sides, have their own struggles which they may not be so ready to share...until being asked. So this is for all the husbands out there...from mine: HELL of a Year “There’s 40% chance it could be prostate cancer.” my urologist muttered … [Read more...]
When your wife is diagnosed with Cancer…
Foreword: Though this post is written from a Christian husband’s perspective, it is my hope to encourage husbands and fathers to be more open in sharing, regardless of faith or religion, so we can better support our spouses in whatever difficult circumstances we may find ourselves thrown in. “Husbands, love your wife…” Ephesians 5:25 (NIV) Revelation “I’m sorry…I think I’m going too fast.” He paused and shifted his glance downwards. The doctor’s pause broke my long uninterrupted stare as he … [Read more...]
Lesson from a Broken Glass…
Photo Credit It’s one of those phone numbers I saved for ease of use but interestingly, when it flashed on my phone early one Monday morning (ya, Monday), I wished I wasn’t staring at the very number I saved, because it sent thousands of alarm bells ringing in those 3 seconds or so that it was flashing - ‘School’. It couldn’t that she had forgotten to bring something important as we had personally gone through the schoolbag the night before, including forms to submit and a twig she was to … [Read more...]
Love changes everything…or does it?
Love is the foundation of parenting. You may truly love your children, but unless they feel it, they will not feel loved. It’s 6:45am on a Public Holiday and the PSI (Pollutants’ Standard Index) is hovering at 200 (Unhealthy level). Singapore faces another hazy and unhealthy day of smog from man-made forest fires in neighbouring Indonesia. Looks like I have to shelf my much-anticipated cycling and swimming plan with the kids later but for now, I’m out buying breakfast for the … [Read more...]
Of Ghosts, Ghouls and Little Green Things: How the ‘other world’ changed my world…
Dedicated to the Blogfather, a friend and fellow Daddy whom I've the privilege of knowing through the realms of the ‘unseen’ world…in cyberspace. Source I never thought I would write about this. Until I was inspired by the Blogfather’s recent post where he recalled a hair-raising experience as part of the October ‘Season’s Greetings’. My father died when he was 44 and I was 13 (since we are on the topic, notice the ‘auspicious’ numbers – ‘4’ is never a good number for the Chinese and we all … [Read more...]
Life is Beautiful, or is it? Raising Super Hero Kids for the Real World
I don’t know about you but I’ve not been watching the news lately. Just for the sake of keeping myself current, I listen only to the news headlines over radio and would skim across the headlines of our daily Straits Times subscription (I actually have half a mind to stop newspaper subscription too.) Why? The world these days is a sad and messed up place. Every piece of news in the media is about atrocities, tragedies, disasters, epidemics, corrupt governments, pet cruelties, infidelities, … [Read more...]
Annie Leibovitz, A Photographer’s Life 1990 – 2005
I just turned 43 and honestly, I approached it with some reservations. You see, my Dad passed away at 44 years old (when I was only 13) and that has impacted my life tremendously. Since the day I passed my 40th, I’ve been very keenly aware of my own mortality and along with that, the compulsion to leave a legacy, to make a difference, has been increasing.On my birthday last week, Angie arranged a surprise visit to one of the world’s most iconic photographers, Annie Leibovitz’s exhibition. As … [Read more...]
Motivational Monday: I’ll hold your hand…
Picture CreditIt started off as a regular Friday evening. I did the usual weekly grocery run, and as Daddy’s car pulled up at the taxi stand, I took a big step forward with a heavy load of groceries. Before I knew it, I slipped, lost my balance and plummeted onto the coarse tar road. The weight of my frame landed solely on my knees, I let out a painful yelp and slumped there paralyzed momentarily as curious passers-by looked on.The quick-witted Dana yelled for Daddy to step out of the car … [Read more...]
Motivational Mondays: Have a Reunion Everyday!
Food reunites people. In Singapore, where everyone proclaims to be a foodie, it's not uncommon to hear people use food as a conversation starter to break the ice. In this part of the world, we ask "Have you eaten?" instead of 'How's the weather today?". In Asia, food often carry special significances and it's almost unthinkable if a happy occasion is found lacking of food. For example, we distribute red eggs to loved ones after a child's birth to celebrate the couple's fertility; we eat … [Read more...]
Making that F.A.M.I.L.Y Connection
My friends know that my Grandma is very dear to me. As her eldest grand-daughter, I was raised under her care and we share a most special bond. After undergoing two major neurosurgery after a fall several years ago, it pains me to see her grown frail. Last Sunday, we celebrated her 87th. The week before her birthday, she was admitted to the A&E at NUH for acute abdominal pain and the family was wrought with worry. The prognosis was not good - we were told that one of her lungs … [Read more...]