We belong to those working parents where the stresses and conflicts from working from home can sometimes make us feel like we are working from ‘Hell’. One contributing factor, aside from the managing the kids and their HBL (Home-based Learning), is the lack of proper WFH (Work-From-Home) furniture. Pain. Pain. Pain. Here are 3 painful lessons we have learnt on why the common study table is not suited to support WFH: Work furniture in the office are purpose-built to support long hours … [Read more...]
Choosing The Right School Bag For Primary School: Facts & Myths
As our son enters Primary School next year, we revisit the importance of a good school bag for our child. Fortunately, we have our elder daughter's experience to glean from. We debunk some myths about school bags so that you can make an informed choice for your school-going kids. Myth, Facts and Choices Here’s sharing some of the myths and facts about choosing a good school bag. Myth 1: All schoolbags are good school bags Fact: Nothing can be further from the truth. … [Read more...]
[Giveaway] Ergoworks – Spinal Care for Kids
“Ergonomics is about your furniture and tools fitting you and not the other way around.” Underrated. Overlooked. Recently at a shopping trip to prepare my kids for the next schooling year, I was taken by surprise at how busy it was inside Ergoworks. It was filled with people from all walks of life. Even more surprising was how wide and holistic the range of products they cater for. One aspect of health we tend to overlook however is their spinal joint health. Spinal and joint … [Read more...]