It was a Saturday evening. In fact, it was already late at 9:40pm to be exact - way past the Open House's stipulated closing time of 9 p.m. I had just finished a late dinner in Vivocity with my daughter Dana after a 2-hour tour of the RSS Tenacious when I saw scores of Navy officers still busy manning their booths and engaging the public. From the 'Rope Works' – where an officer was patiently teaching an elderly man the intricacies of tying a knot, to the 'Photo Booth' where Navy officers were … [Read more...]
RSAF Open House 2016 – Defending Our Skies
Two different sounds: It was just slightly about 50 years ago that we heard two very different sounds emanating from the skies above us. In fact, there may be still those who can still remember those 2 different sounds. One is when the Japanese bombers flew in to ripped through our towns and tore up our lives. The other, is when the British withdrew their troops sending scores of their planes flying away from this little isle that was once so strategic and important to them but now, clearly, … [Read more...]