The weather is getting hotter, drier with the occasional rain. This hotter and more humid weather also spells…Dengue. Singapore is shielded from natural disasters, however that doesn’t mean we do not have ‘natural’ enemies. One of the common ‘enemies’ is the Aedes mosquito, specifically because it carries with it the deadly Dengue disease. In 2013 and 2014, the number of Dengue cases was very high and there were even several fatalities. Even though Singapore has seen fewer dengue cases this … [Read more...]
Dengue Kills, Do the 5-Step Mozzie Wipeout
Poster Credit. Click on poster to enlarge it.In my previous post, I exposed seven little known facts of the deadly Aedes Mosquitoes which are responsible for the dengue epidemic. Even though the number of cases has gone down in recent weeks, it would be foolish to let our guard down. During the ‘Fight Dengue’ Volunteer Training Workshop which I attended recently, I was very encouraged and heartened to see so many community volunteers selflessly giving their time and energy to help their … [Read more...]
The Truth about Aedes – The Silent Killers
Singapore is known to be safe from almost all catastrophic natural disasters like typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes and floods which wreak havoc and cause massive loss of lives in a matter of seconds. However, Singapore’s threats, as evidenced over the last ten years, are not from the ‘seen’ but those ‘unseen’. The SARS Epidemic, Bird Flu, the recent Haze and Dengue serve as real reminders of Singapore's vulnerability as a small city-state and one that is highly dependent on her human … [Read more...]